Sunday 15 November 2015

CHAPTER 5 - Conclusion


 There are clearly both pros and cons of adolescent technology use. The fact is, it is important for adolescents to learn and understand technology. It's become a part of daily life for all people to use a computer or a cell phone. It is necessary in most situations, especially for when they are older and have jobs. However, technology use must not be excessive. Extreme technological use in adolescents can cause all sorts of problems; socially and physically. It is important for adolescents to understand that yes, technology is an amazing thing; but at the same time, it should not be used all of the time. They should not be overly dependent on it. Adolescents need to learn that sometimes,technology is not the best solution for all situations.

Saturday 14 November 2015

CHAPTER 4 - The Advantages And Disadvantage Of Technology

                                  ADVANTAGES OF TECHNOLOGY


  • reach a much larger audience from greater geographic locations
  • help disabled and geographically isolated students
  • help students with busy schedules, freedom to work at home on their own time
  • decrease overcrowded classrooms
  • offer more classes at peak demand times of day and week, increasing flexibility in class scheduling
  • decrease paper and photocopying costs, promoting concept of "green revolution"
  • access to students of everything instructors present in the classroom
  • train students to learn new technology skills they can use later in the work place



  • selecting appropriate hardware and software programs
  • incompatible technology issues
  • challenges when submitting assignments
  • some students can't afford modern computer technologies
  • students usually pan an online technology fee
  • instructors and students need training to learn how to use online technology
  • possibility of cheating on tests and quizzes 
  • difficult to motivate students, requires self-discipline and self-motivation

CHAPTER 3 - The Importance Of Technology

 Technology refers to the collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and exchange information. In the earlier times, the use of tools by human beings was for the process of discovery and evolution. Tools remained the same for a long time in the earlier part of the history of mankind but it was also the complex human behaviors and tools of this era that modern language began as believed by many archeologists. Technology refers the knowledge and utilization of tools, techniques and systems in order to serve a bigger purpose like solving problems or making life easier and better. Its significance on humans is tremendous because technology helps them adapt to the environment. The development of high technology including computer technology’s Internet and the telephone has helped conquer communication barriers and bridge the gap between people all over the world. While there are advantages to constant evolution of technology, their evolution has also seen the increase of its destructive power as apparent in the creation of weapons of all kinds. In a broader sense, technology affects societies in the development of advanced economies, making life more convenient to more people that have access to such technology. But while it continues to offer better means to man’s day to day living, it also has unwanted results such as pollution, depletion of natural resources to the great disadvantage of the planet. Its influence on society can also be seen in how people use technology and its ethical significance in the society. Debates on the advantages and disadvantages of technology constantly arise questioning the impact of technology on the improvement or worsening of human condition. Some movements have even risen to criticize its harmful effects on the environment and its ways of alienating people. Still, there are others that view technology as beneficial to progress and the human condition. In fact, technology has evolved to serve not just human beings but also other members of the animal species as well. Technology is often seen as a consequence of science and engineering. Through the years, new technologies and methods have been developed through research and development. The advancements of both science and technology have resulted to incremental development and disruptive technology. An example of incremental development is the gradual replacement of compact discs with DVD. While disruptive developments are automobiles replacing horse carriages. The evolution of technologies marks the significant development of other technologies in different fields, like nano technology, biotechnology, robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence and information technology. The rise of technologies is a result of present day innovations in the varied fields of technology. Some of these technologies combine power to achieve the same goals. This is referred to as converging technologies. Convergence is the process of combining separate technologies and merging resources to be more interactive and user friendly. An example of this would be high technology with telephony features as well as data productivity and video combined features. Today technical innovations representing progressive developments are emerging to make use of technology’s competitive advantage. Through convergence of technologies, different fields combine together to produce similar goals.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

CHAPTER 2 - The Innovation Of Technology

Chapter 2

Technological innovation means making a changer or introduce a new technology for new service and new ways that are more beneficial and easier for bussiness. Technological innovation also often used to produce a product and method of working of machine.

(For Example of innovation of technology )

1. Ultraprivate Smartphones

As concerns over personal privacy grow, particularly in terms of new technology, a Maryland-based company seeks to provide an alternative. Silent Circle, encrypts clients’ voice calls, text messages, and file attachments. Encryption prevents potential eavesdroppers from listening in on phone calls and protects metadata. Silent Circle has big plans for the future including a secure smartphone called Blackphone. Blackphone will utilize encryption tools currently used by Silent Circle, as well as other software that will help secure data.

2.  Microscale 3-D Printing
The potential of 3-D printing technology has many people excited about new applications. But current printers have important limitations. Up until recently, most 3-D printers can only use plastic. A group of researchers at Harvard University, led by Jennifer Lewis, have started to develop new 3-D printer inks. Her team prints intricate objects using materials that are chosen based on their mechanical properties, electrical conductivity, or optical traits. Eventually new inks will enable a wider variety of functions, including artificial organ creation.

3. Kogeto Dot

The Kogeto Dot is a neat clip-on lens for your iPhone 4 or 4S that turns your device into a panoramic video recorder.
After filming, you upload the clip to the company's Flash-based player that lets you pull and drag the video so you can view it from all angles.

4. Solid state drives
A solid-state drive is a data storage device that uses solid-state memory to store persistent data with the intention of providing access in the same manner of a traditional block i/o hard disk drive.
SSDs are distinguished from traditional magnetic disks such as hard disk drives or floppy disk, which are electromechanical devices containing spinning disks and movable read/write heads.
In contrast, SSDs use microchips which retain data in non-volatile memory chips and contain no moving parts.
Compared to electromechanical HDDs, SSDs are typically less susceptible to physical shock, are silent, have lower access time and latency, but are more expensive per gigabyte.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction - what is computer and information technology?

Chapter 1

Computer information technology (CIT) is the use and study of computers, networks, computer languages, and databases within an organization to solve real problems.  The major prepares students for applications programming, networking, systems administration, and internet development.  Technologies studied in information systems include programming, networking, server administration, information security, database design and development, systems analysis and designing, and web development.